Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Role of Media in Portraying Islam as a Religion of Violence Research Paper

The Role of Media in Portraying Islam as a Religion of Violence - Research Paper Example Broad communications has made a huge commitment in molding wars, clashes and goals, yet it has fizzled in reflecting objectivity since having been censured that it has inclinations towards political plan of the western world concerning the created world. Be that as it may, the media inclusion and distribution concerning Islam and Muslim have been tested by issues of precision and criticism of data. Researchers, media analysts and specialists have been politicized after the rate in 9/11, and this has prompted the production of a minefield for policymakers and the general population, who are trying to comprehend the reason for radicalism and Anti-Americanism. Truth be told, their feelings that build up an immediate connection between worldwide correspondence and psychological warfare. In this manner, fear mongering has been viewed as a roundabout mental system utilized for the evasion of direct contact with rivals, along these lines if there would be no media inclusion, issues about ps ychological oppression would vanish. For this situation, media were the purpose for Muslim and Terrorist getting interchangeable; subsequently, after the occasions, for example, 9/11, the specialists and activists in the field of human rights gave an admonition against the ascent of Islamophobia and prejudice against Muslims. References can be built up from the job of media after the virus war, and the ascent of the new worldwide danger concerning Islamic psychological oppressor, since after the assaults and the ascent of strict militancy, Islam has been the objective of the investigation. Indeed, this has been encouraged by the misdirection of media concerning Islam as a portrayal of antagonistic vibe.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Human Capital Management free essay sample

Human Capital Management Hafidz Surapranata 19009166 School of Business Management CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Human Capital Management The definition is that the administration of an associations representatives. While human asset the board is some of the time alluded to as a delicate administration ability, compelling practice inside an association requires a key concentration to guarantee that individuals assets can encourage the accomplishment of authoritative objectives. Viable human asset the board additionally contains a component of hazard the executives for an association, which is as a base, guarantees authoritative consistence. Self-awareness Plan (PDP) Personal Development Plan is best depicted as close to home arranging procedure to create ones capabilities sets because of satisfaction of occupation necessities or want in expanding individual skills through activity plans dependent on mindfulness, values, reflection, objective setting and making arrangements for self-improvement inside the setting of profession, instruction, relationship, or simply personal growth or self-realization. In view of the two definitions, we could see that Human Capital Management has a significant job towards PDP and an organization in light of the fact that the relationship is plainly reliable. By utilizing PDP strategy in Human Capital Management, we could characterize the separation in discovering representatives aptitudes that identified with the activity examination and employment necessities itself. So that is the reason PDP is imperative to HCM or even in reverse on account of this we could know whether the representative abilities is competent or not for the organization inside the activity prerequisite. Future Job Expectation later on, my fantasy work desire is to work in one of the greatest oil organization on the planet. The organization which I needed to pick is Total Oil Company, the explanation I is needed to work at Total Oil Company is on the grounds that my other dream is additionally to be in Paris from my youth where I could see the Eiffel Tower and taste of the deserts of Paris Foods, I delighted in preparing and food since I was still I kid. It will be a remarkable encounter to me to work in Total Oil Company. I generally trust that some time or another in the event that I could occur in working at Total, I will get an opportunity to be the CEO of Total Company. Being an understudy in SBM ITB could assist me with accomplishing the future Job that I wished to be the CEO, since I was shown numerous information on the best way to deal with an organization and advise how take care of issue in numerous viewpoint particularly Human Resource Subjects. Expected set of responsibilities The Description of CEO of Total is to lead, control, oversee and furthermore make a superior vision and execution than before where I could the organization to effective and the top oil organization on the planet. I will make an incredible group dependent on their division and authority where they need to concentrate on their activity work area, yet they additionally must be adaptable to hold hand towards all the division in the event that they required any assistance after they finish their activity course of events. I will likewise attempt to grow through around Indonesia where I could contend firmly with pertamina. Organization Total S. A. is a French global oil organization and one of the six Supermajor oil organizations on the planet. Its organizations spread the whole oil and gas chain, from unrefined petroleum and flammable gas investigation and creation to control age, transportation, refining, oil based good showcasing, and global raw petroleum and item exchanging. All out is additionally a huge scope synthetic compounds producer. The organization has its administrative center in the Tour Total in the La Defense region in Courbevoie, close to Paris. History The organization was established after World War I after the French Prime Minister Raymond Poincare dismissed framing an association with Royal Dutch Shell for making an altogether French oil organization. At Poincares command, Col. Ernest Mercier enrolled the help of ninety banks and organizations to establish Total on 28 March 1924, as the Compagnie francaise des petroles (CFP), truly the French Petroleum Company. Oil was viewed as indispensable on account of another war with Germany. In any case, the organization was from the beginning a private area organization (it was recorded on the Paris Stock Exchange without precedent for 1929). CFP took up the 23. 75% portion of Deutsche Bank in the Turkish Petroleum Company (renamed the Iraq Petroleum Company), granted to France as remuneration for war harms brought about by Germany during World War I by the San Remo gathering. In 1991 the organization name turned out to be just Total. After Totals takeover of Petrofina in 1999, it got known as Total Fina. A short time later it additionally procured Elf Aquitaine. First named TotalFinaElf after the merger in 2000, it was later renamed back to Total in May 2003. Starting at 2010, Total had more than 96,000 representatives and worked in excess of 130 nations [2] as of late as 1992, the French government despite everything held 5% of the organizations shares, down from a pinnacle of more than 30%. In the timeframe somewhere in the range of 1990 and 1994, remote responsibility for firm expanded from 23 percent to 44 percent. Hypothetical Background * Competency The meaning of capability or competency is capacity of a person to play out a vocation appropriately. A competency is a lot of characterized practices that give an organized guide empowering the recognizable proof, assessment and advancement of the practices in singular representatives. Competency frequently observes as a blend of information, aptitudes and conduct used to improve execution; or as the state or nature of being sufficiently or very much qualified, being able to play out a particular job. For example, the executives competency may incorporate frameworks thinking and passionate knowledge, and aptitudes in impact and exchange. Additionally considered as a blend of information, aptitudes and conduct used to improve execution; or as the state or nature of being enough or all around qualified, being able to play out a particular job. Using capability as a proportion of occupation value was presented in 1973 by â€Å"David McLelland† who suggested that the best proportion of a person’s work value was through a proportion of fitness and not by basic insight, an idea that turned into a forward leap at that point. Presently skill estimation turns into a standard that numerous organizations hold fast to, estimating whether an individual merits utilizing or not, by estimating all parts of capability. * Career It’s an occupation embraced for a noteworthy time of a people life and with open doors for progress. It likewise could be characterized as course or progress through life. Every individual should design their vocation later on the grounds that somebody can get mindful of individual abilities, interests, information, inspirations, and different qualities, and sets up activity intends to achieve explicit objectives as of late. The vast majority could acquire a fortunate or unfortunate vocation; it relies upon how they respond and aptitudes towards the position that they took care of. * Training is portrayed as a progression of projects that means to give abilities, information, and skills to an individual be it hypothetical, professional, or viable. The aptitudes that are given are generally valuable and pertinent to the company’s needs, expanding the competency of representatives so they can play out their employments better, expanding efficiency and, in the long run, benefit. As per Hani Handoko (2001), Training is a procedure planned to improve the authority of different aptitudes and methods of executing a specific work, nitty gritty and customary. The advantages of preparing and advancement are : * Improve the exhibition * Allows representatives to utilize HR frameworks all the more successfully * Reducing worker turnover * Motivate representatives with profession improvement and arranging * Improving the aptitudes of representatives * Improving the adequacy of self-representatives Training could likewise be isolated into a few strategies relies upon each organization. The organizations must be consider about the expense and advantage for them on the off chance that they use preparing to improving their workers execution. Time, cost of learner, offices, materials, and misfortunes of efficiency are the run of the mill costs that organizations must looked on. Then again, by utilizing that costs, benefits are likewise picked up.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Outline and organization of the studying free essay sample

This exposition on Restorative Justice worldview in Philemon would be organized into six parts as thus:i. Part one: a general presentation which highlight the unmistakable spot of the idea Restorative Justice and set the essential setting for articulating the investigation issue, the motivation behind the examination, the hugeness of the investigation, the delimitation and restriction of the investigation, the technique of the examination and the meaning of operational term in regard to Restorative Justice worldview in Philemon.ii. Part two: will concentrate on an outline of the History of the Critical Study of Philemon and a basic audit of chosen literary works concentrated on the content of Philemon and therapeutic equity. This survey will feature the strategy utilized which is liable for the interpretive intrigue and aftereffects of some scriptural examination of the content. Therefore, this will be trailed by the synopsis of the idea of Restorative Justice in the New Testament for a general outline. We will compose a custom paper test on Blueprint and association of the considering or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page iii. Part three: will focus on the initiation, authentic foundation, date and spot of composing the epistle. Different issues to be considered are the beneficiaries/crowd, reason/message of the epistle and structure, trustworthiness and sort of the content, extraordinary issues comparable to the content. The specialist will endeavor to introduce the truth of Pauls circumstance and world in the primary century C. E through authentic, outside and inside confirmations from the epistle.iv. Part four: will focus on a Socio-Rhetorical analysis of the content dependent on a lexical and grammatical framework of the content as it manages the principal century C.E Christians relationship to the majestic Roman situation.v. Section five: will survey the examination discoveries in the light of the epitome of the exploration objects educated by the legal circumstance of the Graeco-Roman world. The motivation behind this will be to decide the worldview of helpful equity from the content and to verbalize how this can supplement the reformatory code criminal equity framework in Northern Nigerian. vi. Section six will be the outline and the finish of the entire examination and a few proposals for additional study.ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONSThe worldview of therapeutic equity however not expressed in the content of Philemon, yet calculated structure of the quest for social equity do advise the exploration. Reasonably, the content of Philemon however in regard of a criminal slave seems to offer a for all intents and purposes compelling model of doing equity. This is as opposed to the very much organized authoritative systems and the significant expense of looking for legitimate activity. It isn't corrective in its standpoint but instead peacemaking. Furthermore, it endeavors to as opposed to react to infringement of laws it gives emblematic and pragmatic answer for genuine damages. Guilty parties, casualties just as the network where the offense is submitted are comprehensive in the legal procedure. Subsequently it is significant thusly to look at marks like this of the content of Philemon that makes a case for the remedial technique for doing justice.ASSUMPTIONSThe desire for this exploration is introduced upon the way that the content of Philemon guarantees a worldview of doing equity that is helpful and positive than the way to deal with criminal equity that is retributive or corrective. A worldview that underscores the reparation of damage, rebuilding and reintegration. The center issue here is that this worldview probably won't exhaust the potentially essential segments related with standardized helpful equity framework. By and by, it opens up road to recognize inside a model different methodologies and structures notwithstanding scope of motivations to seek after the course of equity that is helpful. It additionally offers the expectation that open doors will be upgraded for casualties, guilty parties and their prompt networks.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Favorite Professors of the Class of 2017

Favorite Professors of the Class of 2017 by: Jeff Schmitt on August 22, 2017 | 0 Comments Comments 4,734 Views August 22, 2017Some of the favorite professors of the best and brightest members of the Class of 2017Any scholar can pen a lecture or dole out readings. That’s the bare minimum. Leaving a lasting impression†¦that’s the art of teaching. It is posing the right question in the right context at the right time. It is conjuring images and imparting stories that make lessons essential to everyday life. Even more, great teaching is personifying a passion so profound that students take more than a passing interest — they’re driven to take action.Great teachers take many forms. Some are mentors who channel their students’ energies and slowly guide them to the possibilities. Others are sticklers, whose heavy workloads and high expectations expose their charges to the precision and grit they’ll need to thrive after graduation. Regardle ss of approach, they are change agents and difference-makers. How students define great teaching is the ultimate Rorschach on how they view their educationand themselves.EVEN STUDENTS WHO GET A C LOVE HER!Emorys Allison BurdetteAt Emory University, Allison Burdette is one of those special teachers. A business law professor by trade, Burdette was honored by Casey Rhode, a member of the Class of 2017’s â€Å"Best Brightest Business Majors,† as someone who does more than know her material and support her students.â€Å"She prepares students for life, not for a job or a test,† Rhode explains. â€Å"She comes to each class with an unrivaled enthusiasm, no matter how boring the topic is and without the complacency that comes with teaching the same material for four straight hours, every semester, for over 15 years.   She is still the only professor I have had who is loved just as much by students who get a C in her class as by ones who get an A.†This yearâ⠂¬â„¢s favorite business professors were able to reach their students in several ways. At the University of Richmond, Emily Foo encourages her classmates to take a class with Bill Bergman — and not just for how he makes advertising come alive with his 30 years of experience in the industry. She also respects how he treats his students as adults.â€Å"We are given the opportunity to use our internships and own experiences to analyze case studies and address real situations with our own solutions,† she observes. â€Å"Outside of the classroom, Professor Bergman’s door is always open; he never fails to do all he can to help his students.†MARYLAND PROF DEMANDS STUDENTS STEP INTO THE SPOTLIGHTDr. Sandra Loughlin treats her University of Maryland students the same way†¦with a twist. Sheryl Sandberg may urge her followers to ‘lean in,’ but Loughlin’s students are pushed to ‘get up front.’ Here, students are given independenc e to create and the credit for doing the â€Å"dirty work,† says Sylviane Alexion. It doesn’t stop here, she adds. â€Å"Dr. Loughlin also goes out of her way to put her students in front of important people with the power to adopt our solutions and advance our careers.†Many professors celebrated by the 2017 Class also went out of their way to help students step outside themselves. Cornell’s Deborah Streeter is one such teacher says Zechariah Hintz. â€Å"Professor Streeter has an ability to put on someone else’s shoes, metaphorically, and look at the situation or problem at hand from their perspective,† he states. â€Å"This talent allows her to connect with her students on a deeper level and allows her to more effectively teach and give them advice.†University of Marylands Gerald SuarezHow is she able to do this? Simple: Her caring nature creates trust. â€Å"I have never felt so welcomed and valued as a human being, let alone one of many students in a room, as I feel when I can talk with, or learn from Professor Streeter,† adds.â€Å"YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE. EARN IT.†By widening their frames, the best teachers also emboldened students to ask questions and probe the status quo. At Northeastern University, for example, Miranda Beggin credits Professor Dennis Shaughnessy with helping her to â€Å"continuously question my worldview and consider ways to improve the world through business.† At the same time, such professors have also turned the mirror back on students themselves. At the University of Maryland, Mimi Verdonk considers herself â€Å"lucky† to have had Dr. Gerald Suarez as a teacher. Suarez didn’t just dispatch content, she says, but also gave her the tools to figure out who she wanted to become.â€Å"With Dr. Suarez, there’s always a deeper meaning and time allotted for your own personal reflection,† Verdonk reminisces. â€Å"He isn’t content w ith you memorizing information; he encourages you to explore your passions and to learn more about yourself and what makes you tick. Dr. Suarez, with his jokes and warm heart, is always there to encourage you, to test you and to challenge you to be your best self. I walked away from his class with a greater understanding of who I am as a person and what kind of leader I will be in the business world.†If one theme unites these favorite professors, it would be their mission: Prepare their students for the hardships and ambiguities of the modern work world. Some, such as â€Å"the infamous† Dr. Herbert Mayo, see their roles as instilling toughness. He even uses a regular line during classes at the College of New Jersey to reinforce his larger message: â€Å"You get what you deserve. Earn it,† says Kaiser Tan.BUILDING A PERSONAL BRAND†¦AND A NETWORKSouthern Methodist Universitys Greg SommersOthers focus on simulating the work place. At Southern Methodist Univers ity, two accounting professors —Dr. Barry Bryan and Dr. Greg Sommers —rely heavily on experiential learning. Bryan applies a project-driven model, says Laura Kohner, that includes a strong dose of accounting software and teamwork. Similarly, says Megan Kohner (Laura’s sister), Sommers teaches â€Å"abstract† concepts in context. â€Å"He provides real financial statements to show how accounting information is actually presented to investors in order to reflect the story behind the numbers and the true impact on the business’ future,† she says.At Michigan State, James Carlstedt admires Helen Dashney because she looks far beyond academics to students’ long-term career prospects. â€Å"She focuses on building a personal brand and reputation, while stressing the importance of setting life goals for yourself and building a professional network of contacts that may help guide and lead you to success,† he points out. â€Å"I believe these skills are unparalleled and I’m forever grateful for her dedication to us students.†Some professors even go so far as to introduce their students for the darker side of business. That was the forte of Professor Robert Prentice, who teaches â€Å"Law, Ethics and Business† at the University of Texas.   Charismatic and reassuring, Prentice aired the uncomfortable and unfair aspects of business so students would know what to do when they’re someday faced with their own moment of truth. Page 1 of 41234 »

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sex Trafficking The Second Largest Illegal Industry

Sex-trafficking is the second largest illegal industry in the world. When a community produces generations of pimps, who can supply prostitutes with impunity from the law, this can be a recipe for disaster. For the city of Tenansingo (in the state of Tlaxcala Mexico), pimping and acquiring prostitutes has become a way of life for this small community. Pimps have mastered the art of tricking women into prostitution, which feeds the transnational sex-trafficking industry and impacts the international community. In Tenansingo, sex-traffickers have the funding to influence the local government officials and they sponsor local religious events that win the hearts and minds of people (Lakhani 2015). It all goes for an effort to continue commercial sexual exploitation of women and children. The relatively small community is the central supplier of prostitutes that gets trafficked into the United States. Urban cities, such as Queens in New York, fracking mines in Texas, and agricultural farm s in Vermont, provide services to U.S. citizens and illegal immigrants who work on the farms and live in the shadows (Forest 2016). The Global Slavery 2016 Index shows â€Å"The city of Tenancingo, Tlaxcala is dubiously dubbed the sex trafficking capital of the world, with often poor, uneducated and indigenous girls duped into love relationships with local men, who essentially trap them into forced prostitution. Others are trafficked across the border into the USA. Some serve clients in New YorkShow MoreRelated Kolab: A Sex Trafficking Survivor from Cambodia 1562 Words   |  7 Pagesme, cutting me† (Global Sex Trafficking 1). This is the real-life testimony of a woman named Kolab, a sex trafficking survivor from Cambodia who shares her story with Equality Now, a female human rights advocate organization. Sucked into a world of fear, subjugation, and danger, Kolab demonstrates a lifestyle that no female would ever want to imagine-yet which for many women is their everyday reality. Often times, when we hear the term â€Å"sex trafficking† we think of an illegal form of sexual exploitationRead MoreHuman Trafficking Is Considered Modern Day Slavery1217 Words   |  5 PagesHuman trafficking is defined as any type of work which people are forced to do against their will under the threat of some form of punishment and it is an affront to the most basic of human freedoms. In the Trafficking protocol (†¦.) human trafficking is defined as â€Å" the recruitment, transport, transfer, harboring or receipt of a person by such means as threats or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud or deception for the purpose of exploitation†. Almost all slavery practicesRead MoreThe Issue of Human Trafficking1512 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"modern-day slavery† is the illegal trade of human beings for forced labor and exploitation; referring to using others for sexual exploitation, organ trafficking, and forced labor. Thi s international crime is happening all around us and little to nothing is being done by governments. â€Å"Roughly two hundred thousand slaves are working here in America† (Madox). So the land of the free, well, it might not be so free after all. Coming in second after drug trafficking, â€Å"human trafficking generates about 35 billionRead MoreHuman Trafficking1315 Words   |  6 PagesInformative Outline Topic: Human Trafficking General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about Human Trafficking. What it is, where it is and who gets affected. Central Idea/Thesis: Human trafficking is overlooked but occurs on a more widespread basis then people believe. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: What if you were promised a better life with an advanced career, but instead were forced into prostitution? Many are unknowingly placed into this position byRead MoreThe Trafficking Of Human Trafficking1287 Words   |  6 PagesHuman Trafficking Human trafficking is the modernized version of slavery that involves force, fraud, and/or a type of labor in a sexual act. The United States government defines it to be â€Å"In which a sex act is forced in which the person induced has not yet been attained eighteen years of age† (National Institute of Justice). Human trafficking is a threat to all nations and promotes breakdown of families and can support organized crime. Trafficking can occur everywhere. Human trafficking and humanRead MoreHuman Sex Trafficking Of Houston1043 Words   |  5 PagesHUMAN SEX TRAFFICKING Topic: Human sex trafficking in Houston Organization: Problem/Problem/solution Specific purpose: I would like my audience to understand that we live in Texas and are not very far from Houston and that Houston is one of the most intense human sex trafficking regions in the country. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: â€Å"Houston is a great city known internationally for energy, medical center, great food and Human sex trafficking. Picture this, there was this girl who fell involveRead MorePolicy Against Human Trafficking and Slavery1383 Words   |  6 PagesThe definition of human trafficking has changed since the first reports in 1994. The U.S department of state began to collect reports on trafficking across borders as a severe violation of human rights. Its’ office to monitor and combat trafficking in persons originally focused on the sexual exploitation of women and girls smuggled by international prostitution. Over the years the definition has broadened to cover anyone recruited, transported, transferred, harbored, and compelled to work in prostitutionRead MoreSex Trafficking : A Common Issue For A Long Time1394 Words   |  6 Pages Sex trafficking can happen everywhere. People do not even realize when it is happening. Someone could be living their life, jus t as they normally do, and decided to go to the mall. Sometimes they may not even know that a little kid is going to be kidnapped, and later raped. This is what sex trafficking is. Sex trafficking is commonly defined as when violence, drugs, lies, or any other form of coercion is used to force another person to have sex against their will. (Sex Trafficking in the U.S, 1)Read MoreHuman Trafficking Is A Crime Under Federal And International Law Essay1287 Words   |  6 Pagescountries and their leaders are constantly increasing the awareness and the strength to fight our biggest human rights issues. Human trafficking is a crime under federal and international law and it is a crime in every single state in the United States. According to The White House, around the globe, an estimated 20 million men, women and children are victims of human trafficking- 1.5 million of these victims reside in North America, European Union, and other developed countries. The United States and otherRead M oreHuman Trafficking Is A Hidden Crime1565 Words   |  7 PagesHuman trafficking are the illegal activity of people, usually for the purposes of obligatory workforce or commercial sexual abuse. In other words, it is also defined as a modern-day form of slavery involving the illegal occupation of persons for exploitation or sexual abuse. Human trafficking is a hidden crime as victims rarely try their best to seek help because of language problems, scared of the abuser and lack of law enforcement. Every year, millions of males, females, and youngsters are trafficked

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Financial analysis and Balnce Sheet of Yumindi †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Financial analysis and Balnce Sheet of Yumindi. Answer: The objective of the assignment is to construct income statement and balance sheet of the entity and see where the new business stands does over the last three months. This would help Yamindi take a decision on whether to continue with the business or go for education. There are some challenges faced while constructing the income statement. The cost of the grooming machine was capitalized at one go which should not be the case. One should know on how long the machine will last and then depreciate the same over the years. This is one of the reasons why profit is down. The business even after such incomplete information is still profitable. As for Yumindi, the business should be continued, however a lot of information need to be properly assimilated so that one can do proper accounting for the business. Below you can find the income statement of the entity. The sales have been to the tune of $8220 of which some amount has been due to credit sales. Sales $ 8,220.00 Grooming Equipment Cost $ 5,000.00 Grooming Supplies $ 400.00 Electricity Bill $ 950.00 Advertising Cost $ 1,216.00 Net Profit $ 654.00 Additionally to this profit, Yamindi has withdrawn $1300 from the business for personal expense. In normal circumstances that $1300 should be considered as personnel expenses. However we have not considered the same as nature of business is not established and $3000 was bought by Yamindi as capital for the business. This can also be the case of capital reduction. There are expenses for which the bill has arrived but the payment has not been made. However such expenses need to be considered for the period as they have occurred within the nature of the business and are important in running the business. It is very important to look at financial statements in conjunction and then make a decision out of it. There is another situation where grooming machine was purchased for $5000, however only $4500 was paid for. Rest $500 need to be considered under Accounts payable and details of credit terms should be made available. The business is under viable financial situation as of now as lot of main costs has already been absorbed under the whole system. The profit would be very high if the cost of the machine is capitalized and then depreciated. The amount should be charged as depreciation and should not be the main part of income statement. As of now it is hitting the operating line of the financial system which is not correct. This is the reason why small bias exists in the current scheme of things. Financial statements can only be correctly represented when adequate information about the situation are made available. The reader of the financial statement should also look into the notes which make the whole information more cohesive and meaningful. The business decisions are based on financial information and hence having them in the right manner is very important.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

WordPress vs Drupal SEO, Security, Extensions ... All Compared

When it comes to content management systems, there are two names that stand out: WordPress vs Drupal. Each has its own loyal community, a long list of popular websites that it powers, as well as a wide range of features and functionality.It is common knowledge that WordPress is easier to use and more popular, as compared to Drupal that has a smaller community and a steeper learning curve. But apart from that, what really separates the two? In this article, I shall attempt to compare WordPress vs Drupal across a given set of fields.WordPress vs Drupal: 4-round comparisonWordPress vs Drupal usage stats, according to Search engine optimizationSearch engine optimization, or SEO, is of utmost importance for the health of your website. If your site does not do well in terms of page ranks and search results, your online presence will suffer, badly.As a matter of fact, both WordPress vs Drupal are good with SEO. To be honest, Google (or any other search engine for that matter) does not truly care which platform you are using, as long as your content is in order and you follow the SEO norms. However, Matt Cutts of Google has stated that WordPress is a good choice in terms of SEO, as shown in this video:And of course, WordPress users have the luxury of amazing plugins such as All in One SEO Pack and Yoast SEO that can help in terms of SEO.However, it is also worth pointing out that Drupal is not a minnow when it comes to search engines Yoast SEO, for example, is available for Drupal as well. Furthermore, it is often unknown to non-users of Drupal, but the software comes with SEO-friendly features that WordPress lacks in the absence of external plugins. For instance, native caching is supported by Drupal out of the box, whereas WordPress needs additional plugins for caching. Page caching leads to faster load times and that, obviously, is a very useful metric to boost your pagerank.All things considered, W ordPress wins the SEO round due to the number of available plugins that can help your sites SEO in many different ways.2. SecurityFor anything on the internet, security is a concept that is really vital, but can never be absolutely achieved. Nothing on the internet is 100% safe or secure, nor can it ever be. We can only try to achieve a great level of security, and the same applies to both WordPress and Drupal, as well as any other similar piece of software.Drupal has, over the years, earned a reputation for its secure and robust performance. While it has had its own share of issues, such as numerous SQL injection vulnerabilities, the community has been quick to respond and for the most part, Drupal has fared well in terms of combating security threats. The fact that the likes of The White House and The Economist prefer to rely on Drupal is a testimony to this effect.WordPress, however, is not weak in terms of security either. While this is a known fact that WordPress gets way more security threats and malware attacks than any other software, this has more to do with WPs popularity and less to do with any potential lack of security practices.Yet, all said and done, there is less margin for error in terms of security when using Drupal as compared to WordPress, simply because there is a ridiculously large number of plugins and themes that are readily available for WordPress, and are poorly coded and can pose a security issue for your website. The WordPress community is very quick to respond to any such issue, but there is still a window for error as an obsolete plugin can compromise a website. Since the number of such plugins and themes is smaller for Drupal, the window for error too becomes smaller.This round goes to Drupal.3. Ability to extend and customizeWordPress is backed by a large number of themes and plugins (both free and premium) that you can use to extend its functionality and features. You can create eCommerce stores, news sites, portfolio sites, an d a lot more with WordPress by using the right combination of plugins and themes.Drupal too is backed by extensions and modules that can help you extend its functionality, but this number is comparatively smaller. This does not mean you cannot customize Drupal; you still can do a lot with it, but the learning curve is steeper, and you require a lot more efforts when accomplishing something unique with Drupal as you might when doing the same with WordPress. That said, as a developer, you can tweak Drupal to your hearts extent, and this is probably why we see many Drupal sites with a very unique nature. But for non-developers, WordPress is still the way to go when thinking WordPress vs Drupal.This round goes to WordPress.4. Content management and performanceBoth Drupal and WordPress can do a lot in terms of content management and performance. While user interface and ease of use are a matter of perspective, as what is usable and familiar for one user might be unusable for the other, t here are certain areas where each of these two CMSs can prove its worth.In terms of resources, both WordPress vs Drupal are universally supported, coded mostly in PHP, and work well on even the lesser powerful servers or shared platforms. Of course, installation of additional modules or plugins can cause either of the two CMSs to bloat down a WordPress installation with 45 plugins is definitely likely to slow down, and the same applies to Drupal. But there has been a tendency among Drupal users to rely on lesser modules this can be attributed to the fact that the Drupal community has a larger number of developers, whereas WordPress user base has a very lenient distribution of end users as well.All said and done, Drupal has a very noticeable downside as compared to WordPress. Basic tasks such as updating your CMS are more time-consuming in Drupal and way easier in WordPress. Plus, the fact that there are more publications and outlets for WordPress-related content is another advanta geous situation: you can learn about WordPress at a faster pace as compared to Drupal.The final round goes to WordPress.ConclusionDrupal offers a lot of a features out of the box, such as page caching, and a lot more. It is a flexible system, and once you master the ropes, you can virtually create any genre or nature of website using Drupal.But WordPress is still highly usable and in a better overall situation than Drupal. It is more popular (and therefore better supported), and easier to use and deploy. By using the right combination of plugins and themes, WordPress can serve your web design and development projects very well.As you look at the points above, WordPress takes it today in our WordPress vs Drupal comparison. But were probably a bit biased, in all honestyWhat do you think? Are WordPress and Drupal capable of running equal websites and serving their users with the same level of quality? Share your thoughts in the comments below!Free guide5 Essential Tips to Speed Up Your WordPress SiteReduce your loading time by even 50-80% just by following simple tips.