Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sex Trafficking The Second Largest Illegal Industry

Sex-trafficking is the second largest illegal industry in the world. When a community produces generations of pimps, who can supply prostitutes with impunity from the law, this can be a recipe for disaster. For the city of Tenansingo (in the state of Tlaxcala Mexico), pimping and acquiring prostitutes has become a way of life for this small community. Pimps have mastered the art of tricking women into prostitution, which feeds the transnational sex-trafficking industry and impacts the international community. In Tenansingo, sex-traffickers have the funding to influence the local government officials and they sponsor local religious events that win the hearts and minds of people (Lakhani 2015). It all goes for an effort to continue commercial sexual exploitation of women and children. The relatively small community is the central supplier of prostitutes that gets trafficked into the United States. Urban cities, such as Queens in New York, fracking mines in Texas, and agricultural farm s in Vermont, provide services to U.S. citizens and illegal immigrants who work on the farms and live in the shadows (Forest 2016). The Global Slavery 2016 Index shows â€Å"The city of Tenancingo, Tlaxcala is dubiously dubbed the sex trafficking capital of the world, with often poor, uneducated and indigenous girls duped into love relationships with local men, who essentially trap them into forced prostitution. Others are trafficked across the border into the USA. Some serve clients in New YorkShow MoreRelated Kolab: A Sex Trafficking Survivor from Cambodia 1562 Words   |  7 Pagesme, cutting me† (Global Sex Trafficking 1). This is the real-life testimony of a woman named Kolab, a sex trafficking survivor from Cambodia who shares her story with Equality Now, a female human rights advocate organization. Sucked into a world of fear, subjugation, and danger, Kolab demonstrates a lifestyle that no female would ever want to imagine-yet which for many women is their everyday reality. Often times, when we hear the term â€Å"sex trafficking† we think of an illegal form of sexual exploitationRead MoreHuman Trafficking Is Considered Modern Day Slavery1217 Words   |  5 PagesHuman trafficking is defined as any type of work which people are forced to do against their will under the threat of some form of punishment and it is an affront to the most basic of human freedoms. In the Trafficking protocol (†¦.) human trafficking is defined as â€Å" the recruitment, transport, transfer, harboring or receipt of a person by such means as threats or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud or deception for the purpose of exploitation†. Almost all slavery practicesRead MoreThe Issue of Human Trafficking1512 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"modern-day slavery† is the illegal trade of human beings for forced labor and exploitation; referring to using others for sexual exploitation, organ trafficking, and forced labor. Thi s international crime is happening all around us and little to nothing is being done by governments. â€Å"Roughly two hundred thousand slaves are working here in America† (Madox). So the land of the free, well, it might not be so free after all. Coming in second after drug trafficking, â€Å"human trafficking generates about 35 billionRead MoreHuman Trafficking1315 Words   |  6 PagesInformative Outline Topic: Human Trafficking General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about Human Trafficking. What it is, where it is and who gets affected. Central Idea/Thesis: Human trafficking is overlooked but occurs on a more widespread basis then people believe. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: What if you were promised a better life with an advanced career, but instead were forced into prostitution? Many are unknowingly placed into this position byRead MoreThe Trafficking Of Human Trafficking1287 Words   |  6 PagesHuman Trafficking Human trafficking is the modernized version of slavery that involves force, fraud, and/or a type of labor in a sexual act. The United States government defines it to be â€Å"In which a sex act is forced in which the person induced has not yet been attained eighteen years of age† (National Institute of Justice). Human trafficking is a threat to all nations and promotes breakdown of families and can support organized crime. Trafficking can occur everywhere. Human trafficking and humanRead MoreHuman Sex Trafficking Of Houston1043 Words   |  5 PagesHUMAN SEX TRAFFICKING Topic: Human sex trafficking in Houston Organization: Problem/Problem/solution Specific purpose: I would like my audience to understand that we live in Texas and are not very far from Houston and that Houston is one of the most intense human sex trafficking regions in the country. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: â€Å"Houston is a great city known internationally for energy, medical center, great food and Human sex trafficking. Picture this, there was this girl who fell involveRead MorePolicy Against Human Trafficking and Slavery1383 Words   |  6 PagesThe definition of human trafficking has changed since the first reports in 1994. The U.S department of state began to collect reports on trafficking across borders as a severe violation of human rights. Its’ office to monitor and combat trafficking in persons originally focused on the sexual exploitation of women and girls smuggled by international prostitution. Over the years the definition has broadened to cover anyone recruited, transported, transferred, harbored, and compelled to work in prostitutionRead MoreSex Trafficking : A Common Issue For A Long Time1394 Words   |  6 Pages Sex trafficking can happen everywhere. People do not even realize when it is happening. Someone could be living their life, jus t as they normally do, and decided to go to the mall. Sometimes they may not even know that a little kid is going to be kidnapped, and later raped. This is what sex trafficking is. Sex trafficking is commonly defined as when violence, drugs, lies, or any other form of coercion is used to force another person to have sex against their will. (Sex Trafficking in the U.S, 1)Read MoreHuman Trafficking Is A Crime Under Federal And International Law Essay1287 Words   |  6 Pagescountries and their leaders are constantly increasing the awareness and the strength to fight our biggest human rights issues. Human trafficking is a crime under federal and international law and it is a crime in every single state in the United States. According to The White House, around the globe, an estimated 20 million men, women and children are victims of human trafficking- 1.5 million of these victims reside in North America, European Union, and other developed countries. The United States and otherRead M oreHuman Trafficking Is A Hidden Crime1565 Words   |  7 PagesHuman trafficking are the illegal activity of people, usually for the purposes of obligatory workforce or commercial sexual abuse. In other words, it is also defined as a modern-day form of slavery involving the illegal occupation of persons for exploitation or sexual abuse. Human trafficking is a hidden crime as victims rarely try their best to seek help because of language problems, scared of the abuser and lack of law enforcement. Every year, millions of males, females, and youngsters are trafficked

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